A place where you can contribute and learn!
Join our “maketeer” team and start making a difference today!
We know what it’s like to want to be a part of something bigger than yourself. But it’s hard to know what will actually make a difference. What if you could do what you love AND help others realize their dreams?
Enter the Seattle Makers “Maketeer” Program. The program is designed for eager and creative folks to contribute to the maker community in a concrete way!
Don’t die with nothing carved on your tombstone. Make a real difference in the community and leave a lasting legacy!
Start “Maketeering” in three easy steps
Step 1: Let us know
Fill out the interest form to let us know what skills you want to learn and how you want to contribute.
Step 2: Tell us more
We’ll contact you to go over the program details, what you want to get out of maketeering, and your availability.
Step 3: Make a difference
We’ll get you on the schedule, and set up a project plan with you so you can start “maketeering”.
See the difference
You can come here with an idea, or just an inkling, and get help, make it, or get inspired to do something else!
Seattle Makers is my secret mad science lab. I approve.
We are Seattle Makers
After years of helping folks with their projects, we decided to create a program for others to do the same.
Because we know how great it feels to help people turn their ideas into a reality. As a “maketeer”, you’ll get to see the difference you make in real time!
Be the hero of countless maker stories!