This guide will outline all the steps to use the upgraded air-assist on the left laser.
- Dry out the dessicant (this prevents water from the compressor from getting on the laser lens, which can cause damage)
- This should be done each day at open. Check to see if the date is current (today’s date). If it shows today’s date, skip to step 2.
- If the dessicant has not been changed today, carefully unscrew the desiccant container.
- Set up the oven outside on the balcony bench, and empty the desiccant into the aluminum foil tray
- Bake for 30 minutes or until dessicant turns blue.
- Turn on the air
- Go into the woodshop and make sure the compressor is plugged in
- Check the red lever on the compressor and turn it on (flip to the DOWN position).
- On the right side of the laser, find the valve at the back of the Air Assist Assembly (where the hose comes in).
- Make sure the valve is ON (parallel with the air hose)
- Make sure the airflow meter valve is OPEN (twist knob to the left)
Special Focus Instructions
The left laser has been fitted with a nozzle that is 10mm longer, which blows air much closer to the piece.
To focus with this nozzle:
- Follow normal focus procedures (see infographic on the wall next to the laser)
- Move the laser bed UP 10 mm.
- Look at the Z position on the small screen on the laser. It will read something like 2986.
- Subtract 10 from this number (that’s 2976).
- Move the laser bed UP (using the left arrow in the Z menu) until the Z position reads ten less than your original position.
- Review standard pre-cut checklist
- Fire ze laser!