Device linked to the Google Home: Ipad
Wifi connection: Seattle Makers 2.4G
If google home doesn’t work – make sure it is plugged into power.
If “outlets are unavailable” find the small white plug at each station and push the button on the side of the white plug to turn it off manually.
- Opening the makerspace: “Ok Google, good morning” – turns on all stations
- Closing the makerspace: “Ok Google, good night” – turns off all stations
- Electronics station: “Ok Google, turn on/off electronics station” – controls all power outlets and both overhead lights)
- 3D printer station: “Ok Google, turn on/off 3d printer station” – controls lights over the printers but NOT the power to the printers themselves
- Green tool bench in fabrication room: “Ok Google turn on/off tool bench” – controls light above the green tool bench (does NOT control the power strip)
- CNC station: “Ok Google, turn on/off CNC station” – controls lights above the wood CNC mill bed (but NOT the CNC itself)
- Balcony: “Ok Google, turn on/off balcony” – controls power strip and lights to the worktable on the balcony
- AC in classroom: “Ok Google, turn on/off classroom air”
- AC in fabrication room: “Ok Google, turn on/off fabrication room air”
- AC in woodshop room: “Ok Google, turn on/off woodshop air”